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Ataky's creations
[RPG] Fortis [Cave Update]
Be Welcome! This place is a humble and a bit time-consuming RPG game. Datastore can be silly sometimes! If you want to track the game progress, join us on our discord server! If you only want to report a bug, you can message me on Polytoria. -- Press 'F' to equip your weapon! Use :help in chat to get a list of client commands! -- Known bugs: - Client-side scripts (LocalScripts) sometimes doesn't load when joining the game, probably Polytoria-related glitch. Rejoin if something doesn't feels right! - NPCs bodies might send you to the moon, might be Polytoria-related. - Clients that join a server after others will have desynchronization issues where Weapons and Players Health aren't correctly displayed. It is definitively Polytoria-related. It fixes itself with time. If you lost your data, please comment below just so i can be aware of this issue. Warning: Don't expect anything extraordinary! The game will be very simple because I don't have the time or resources to create something complex and fancy right now. (Maybe when Godot Client is released and I am on vacation from college.)
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