This place does not have any game passes yet!

Owned by 1 player

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[RPG] Fortis (Data persistence)

This place is currently private. Only the creator can join it.
Be Welcome! This place is a W.I.P RPG game, i probably wont launch stable until the Godot Engine comes (it might take a good time), Datastore service still under tests!

-> Update Log <-

- Level cap increased to 25
- Money label added to the UI (Enemies now gives money too)
- Reset stats now costs 1k$
- Added Alpha-Tester achievement
- Removed Invisible walls
- Notification System
- Improved UI for lower Resolutions too
- Started to expand the map ( i'm a bad builder, please have patience for i am still learning :> )

Known bugs:

- If you have a slow connection (download < 3072kbps), the UI might not work properly. (Might have been fixed)
- NPCs stop working after couple deaths. (Working on it)
- NPCs bodies might send you to the moon, might be Polytoria-related.

If you lost your data, please comment below just so i can be aware of this issue.
  • Created:
  • Updated:
  • Visits:
  • Genre:
  • Access:
  • Jun 05, 2024
  • 1 day ago
  • 78
  • Adventure
  • Everyone