project idea: marketplace central
marketplace central is a polytoria trading/donation/advertising game where everyone can manage the game.
you buy a space, and depending on what type of space it is the price will be different. (ads, booths, stores, etc)
in each space you can build and customize decorations for your booth/advertisement, wether its a clothing store, guild, etc.
what do you guys think?
would you participate?
{ Scrubbed }
I have already made a similar game called "Let's Play" where you can claim a booth and set it to a game ID. However, I had plans of expanding it to assets, guilds, etc I just never got around to finishing the update.
hey, I'm Index!
Eero 6 months ago
Problem is.. Who the hell would use it? poly averages like 2 a day and unless the booths / stuff are global i don't think that's goin nowhere sorry
all booths are global
you can buy a space and build it on creator
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