Mobile Support
Make Polytoria available on mobile, please.
My PC broke few months ago and I have nothing to play on but mobile and my school laptop
(I can bring my school laptop to home just so you know)
The OS of the laptop is Chromebook.
I am not allowed to download any games on the laptop, my whole class got the laptop to do school assignments digitally and
My mobile is the only playable device, I can do what I want to do in it such as installing apps, visit my school laptops blocked sites and watch youtube videos that are blocked by my school laptop. I really want to play Polytoria again :I
On my school laptop, I can play on web browser games and stuff, its really boring, So can you make Polytoria playable for Mobile too?
- nob
It would kind of be a bad thing. A bunch of "qUiRkY" Gacha Life babies would come to Polytoria and online date/destroy it.
this is epic