Goodbye polytoria.
Eso es todo. Ya he tenido suficiente.
No puedo ni creer que estoy escribiendo esto, pero después de tener 7 pings SIN RAZÓN ALGUNA, estoy harto. Intenté ser paciente, pero me has empujado hasta mi límite. Cada vez que inicio sesión, ¡hay un ping random sin sentido que no tiene NADA que ver conmigo!
No sé si a ustedes le parece gracioso o no les importa, pero ya a este punto es mucho más que una falta de respeto. He desperdiciado horas de mi vida viendo notificaciones inútiles, y ya no lo voy a hacer. Ya he tenido suficiente de este caótico server y su constante spam.
Me voy. Buena suerte tratando con el desastre que haz creado.
Adiós, Polytoria. 👋
what should i put here
miyo 1 month ago
i remember replying to one of your concerning posts about you leaving irl and etc, glad to see ur still alive and talking
Appreciate it man, I just got some help and now I'm readjusting my life.
married to a deer tophat, and a father of 4. The youngest one is going to school for the very first time.
That’s it. I’ve had enough.
I can’t believe I’m even writing this, but after getting 7 pings for absolutely NO REASON, I’m done. I’ve tried to be patient, but you’ve officially pushed me to the edge. Every time I log on, there’s some random, pointless ping that has NOTHING to do with me!
I don’t know if you people think it’s funny or if you just don’t care, but it’s beyond disrespectful at this point. I’ve wasted hours of my life sifting through useless notifications, and I’m not doing it anymore. I’ve had enough of this chaotic server and the constant spam.
I’m out. Good luck dealing with the mess you’ve created.
Goodbye, Polytoria. 👋
That's what she said
That’s it. I’ve had enough.
I can’t believe I’m even writing this, but after getting 7 pings for absolutely NO REASON, I’m done. I’ve tried to be patient, but you’ve officially pushed me to the edge. Every time I log on, there’s some random, pointless ping that has NOTHING to do with me!
I don’t know if you people think it’s funny or if you just don’t care, but it’s beyond disrespectful at this point. I’ve wasted hours of my life sifting through useless notifications, and I’m not doing it anymore. I’ve had enough of this chaotic server and the constant spam.
I’m out. Good luck dealing with the mess you’ve created.
Goodbye, Polytoria. 👋
- Grim
Das war's. Ich habe genug.
Ich kann kaum glauben, dass ich das überhaupt schreibe, aber nachdem ich 7 Pings OHNE JEDEN GRUND bekommen habe, bin ich fertig. Ich habe versucht, geduldig zu sein, aber ihr habt mich jetzt offiziell an den Rand getrieben. Jedes Mal, wenn ich mich einlogge, gibt es irgendeinen zufälligen, sinnlosen Ping, der ÜBERHAUPT NICHTS mit mir zu tun hat!
Ich weiß nicht, ob ihr Leute das lustig findet **** ob es euch einfach egal ist, aber es ist mittlerweile mehr als respektlos. Ich habe Stunden meines Lebens damit verschwendet, nutzlose Benachrichtigungen durchzusehen, und ich werde das nicht mehr tun. Ich habe genug von diesem chaotischen Server und dem ständigen Spam.
Ich bin raus. Viel Glück beim Umgang mit dem Chaos, das ihr geschaffen habt.
Auf Wiedersehen, Polytoria. 👋
ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ
これを書いている自分さえ信じられないのですが、まったく理由もなく 7 ping を受信したら、もう終わりです。私は我慢しようと努めましたが、あなたは正式に私を追い詰めました。ログオンするたびに、私とは何の関係もないランダムで無意味な ping が送信されます。
ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ
That’s it. I’ve had enough.
I can’t believe I’m even writing this, but after getting 7 pings for absolutely NO REASON, I’m done. I’ve tried to be patient, but you’ve officially pushed me to the edge. Every time I log on, there’s some random, pointless ping that has NOTHING to do with me!
I don’t know if you people think it’s funny or if you just don’t care, but it’s beyond disrespectful at this point. I’ve wasted hours of my life sifting through useless notifications, and I’m not doing it anymore. I’ve had enough of this chaotic server and the constant spam.
I’m out. Good luck dealing with the mess you’ve created.
Goodbye, Polytoria. 👋
Unu, doi, trei, de pula sa ma iei