About the Egg Hunt event badge update...
It is not really good in my opinion, it just made it very soulless and dead, and also it could trigger users who did like the original event badge name and liked that it had no levels, and its nice colours. In a honest way the update isn't really good. See what you think down below, this is just my opinion about the update, don't need to rage.
hey, just to give a few thoughts about this
the issue with how achievements were going was that all of them were becoming very colourful hexagons, and when every event is constantly giving you colourful hexagons at some point the entire achievements panel becomes visual noise and none of them are special anymore defeating the point of achievements (which is to yknow, show your achievements!)
colourful achievements require alot of effort is what we are trying to go for, the egg hunt badge still has its nice look itlll just take another egg hunt or two to appear for you and hopefully at that point itll feel like more of an accomplishment :)
CO Owner Polytoria