Unbiased ratings of your avatar
Beanie and clothes go well together, wings are a nice touch since they are supposed to go with the glowing eyes even though they're off theme, they both create a more colorful touch to your mostly dark outfit, 8,5/10
Hello fellow Polytorians!
Everything matches well, clothes are detailed and of a good quality, the texture stands out a lot and makes this a proper fantasy look , the cardboard head doesn't match as much as the real lucendi which is much more expensive but still blends well, 8,5/10
Hello fellow Polytorians!
The purple top hat and the vampire face create a nice combination, the crown spikes give the avatar a more mischievous look which pairs with the face, a shirt with at least some shade of purple would be better but this shirt somewhat pairs with the evil kind of theme, 7,8/10
Hello fellow Polytorians!