JS1tophat 26

Join date August 23, 2024
Friends 49
Place visits 34
Profile views 46
Forum posts 61
Item sales 3
Last seen 14 hours ago
Avg. Networth 0
Current Streak 26 days
Longest Streak 26 days
About JS1tophat

Heya am JS1tophat but you can just call me JS1 :D I make games sometimes and yeah I had an old account called JS1 but I lost the login o-o

JS1tophat's creations


Why do we fall, Why is life full of fails and falls but we get to the top again and fall again.

Polytoria LAG TEST!!
Polytoria LAG TEST!!


6 0 100%

A very long drive
A very long drive

Drive a long way to get to the end O_O

28 0 100%

Cool Cat Productions

We make stuff

The Church Of Teapot

We worship the teapot Ranks are based on how teapot your avatar is and how devoted you are to the cause.

Temple Of Faces

-- 📚Information 👋🏻Hello there ! Welcome to the Temple Of Faces. 📄 Here find a lot of informations about face as well as an unique ranking system based on your face collection! -- ✨Ranking 🐡 Stars are the number per unique faces! If you have 2 of the same faces it will only count once! 🏄 Want to update your face count! Well you can self-assign yourself the rank Faceless and you will be re-ranked with your new face count! ⭐0 | Faceless / Not ranked ⭐ 1+ | Poor Fella ⭐ 5+ | Novice Collector ⭐ 10+ | Starter Collector ⭐ 25+| Average Collector ⭐ 30+| Crazy Collector ⭐ 35+| Experienced Collector ⭐ 40+ | Handsome Collector ⭐ 46 ( Owning Every 46 Faces ) | The True collectors How to earn stars 🤔? You earn stars by collecting more and more faces Faces are represented by ⭐ (1 Face = 1 ⭐) --🥳 Faces Stats ▶ Current Number of Faces : 46 ▶ Unobtainable Faces (mostly events) : 5 ▶Newest Face : Blushing // https://polytoria.com/store/39100