
Join date May 23, 2021
Friends 48
Place visits 0
Profile views 35
Forum posts 12
Item sales 0
Last seen 14 days ago
Avg. Networth 8,860
Current Streak 0 days
Longest Streak 1 day

Dark And Impenetrable.

Face collectors

new face collector guild named temple of faces this one is out dated! the first and worst face guild How many faces do you have?? (have inventory on or no cool rank real!1!) ranking system if u have under 5 Ur a noob collector if you have 6 - 10 ur a average collector if you have 11 - 19 Ur a pro collector 20 - 26 is a superior collector 27 - 31 is a Unreal collector 32+ is a god collector


best guild ever i think Rank is given based on Your personality,Contribution,Coolness Naturally if i don't know much about you, you will stay first rank


Sniping them names

My Cool Guild

Deluxe out beats the poor. join the guild to agree

Rare Usernames

Welcome to Rare Usernames! Want to see what rank your username is? You can see it here! Past names do not count! Only current username. We hit 1000 members! Thank you all so much! (SECOND GROUP EVER TO HIT 1K)

zpv1 doesn't have any place achievements yet!