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Plus Deluxe Member
"thinking about buying lifetime premium, do you reckon this platform will last for more than 3 years"
Join date March 10, 2024
Friends 39
Place visits 604
Profile views 186
Forum posts 7
Item sales 50
Last seen 11 hours ago
Avg. Networth 17k
zach121898's creations
avoid metal sonic LMITED TIME
avoid metal sonic LMITED TIME

uhhh you can dislike bomb the game now (don't look at the gamepasses) was going to add more, then I remembered I'm genuinely tired of working on this game, will bug fix though, dm me bugs and stuff https://polytoria.com/store/32646 LIMITED TIME (GET 20% FASTER WALKSPEED) errr, if you paypal me like 10 bucks I'll put your character in game, permanantly art done by my gf 0men

182 0 70%

Dodge the bullets!!! (Update)
Dodge the bullets!!! (Update)

Reach your high score in this cool game!!11!!! PS: PLEASE ADD A CODE EDITOR, IT IS SO BAD MAKING SCRIPTS IN FREAKING NOTEPAD I added a couch you can sit on, incase you need a break I added saving, and a neat health gamepass to support me PS: thanks for playing my game https://polytoria.com/store/32646 congrats on mixer2101 for being the first one to beat 300, pretty cool added two new projectiles (ghosts are bad, cobras are good)

351 0 86%


United We Slither.


Welcome to List of Values: Everlast, your #1 reliable source for Trading & Economy information! Our Discord Server : https://discord.gg/jUFET2fN3p PROVISORY VALUE LIST (website in the works) : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W7JN74MU-9Dbd-9xNnjxE18hQVBPXWuwjK5DGSnuQR4/ Founded 4/1/24 Courtesy to @Drake for the Name, Logo and Banner!

Achievement Collectors

The hub for collectors. This guild is a friendly community dedicated to tracking the most accomplished achievement collectors! Join to be ranked based how many achievements you currently own. Want a re-rank? No problem! Set your rank to pending or rejoin the guild. Ranks are currently on hiatus as we decide something. [KEEP YOUR INVENTORY ON]

melty cube games

waiting till games can be owned by groups