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Polytoria Staff Member
"they dont see me"
Join date September 17, 2020
Friends 847
Place visits 346
Profile views 649
Forum posts 359
Item sales 43
Last seen 33 minutes ago
Avg. Networth 110.2k
About baggy


baggy's creations

A brick

It’s literally just a brick

Shutdown Simulator V1.1.1
Shutdown Simulator V1.1.1

There's no point to the game, just shutdown the game. Shutdown Script made by DevPixels V1.1.1 Includes ------------------- ~ Added an achievement to the game. Received when you shut down the server.

72 0 100%

Find the Button [V.1.9.0]
Find the Button [V.1.9.0]

Welcome to Find the Button! Your goal is to find the button! There are over 100 buttons and only 1 contains the button to move forward. (More stages coming soon! There are currently 4 stages.) Version 1.9.0 includes: Achievements have been added to the game for all levels! Go crazy, and have fun!

141 0 71%


Dark And Impenetrable.

Polytoria Welcome Committee

The official welcome committee πŸ‘‰ A committee official will post a link to a new player's profile πŸ™Œ Leave a friendly note on the player's wall ☺ Feel free to send a friend request to the new player! official chat room (discord.gg/polytoria) -> https://discord.com/channels/350679908390797313/1217552934657589318/1217553180473430197



Medium Brain Academy

Welcome to the Medium Brain Academy, one of the upcoming Polytoria cryptology and steganography groups of ARG solvers. Here is some information about our group. We are a group of ARG solvers that focuses on Polytoria ARGs. Anyone can join the group, but to be a part of the official MBA Polytoria ARG solving team, you must meet the specific criteria. We currently aren't accepting any new people to our team. ~Team List~ kong (Founder) Cool (Founder) Aidan Clockset ethos Ender Icycl blaby baggy (Star)

Avater Ranking

Welcome to Avater Ranking Join and we will rank your avatar that simple!

Polytoria Values

Owned by far & Bandito Burrito since Apr 15 23. Hosted by Everlast since Apr 19 23. Want to be re-ranked quicker? Assign yourself to the "TBR" role! β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Join the server today! https://discord.gg/bWTWJQUjVP Guild of the Month - Polytoria Showcase #16

Polytoria Staff

Polytoria Staff

Cone Coalition

Here we gather as many cone owners as we can! All are welcome!

Game Designers of Polytoria

Now with self-assignable ranks!

take one bag of sprite

This ARG group is not longer functional. We moved to Caprisuns. https://polytoria.com/guilds/581 ------- arg group microwaving grapes we also like cats 6/10 we are : β€’ Everlast β€’ Emir β€’ ZStorm β€’ baggy β€’ Icicle β€’ Amorbis achievements : first to complete polytoria's 2022 halloween arg https://blog.polytoria.com/polytoria-halloween-arg-2022/ second to complete polytoria's 2023 new years arg (gg caprisuns)

Polytoria Showcase Guild

Welcome to the Polytoria Showcase Guild!