
Join date April 2, 2024
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Conetopia is a safehaven, a resort where all cones from around the world can regroup and come together, all hail the great conetopian empire!

Bioresonant Commandos of The Eusan Nation

Generation 6 High-Tech Bioresonance Specialist Replikas. These Units are used as Commando Control Units, using their Bio-resonance to increase squad cohesion as well as improve the mental stability of all units in a squad. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the specialized military arm of The Nation, in order to start your career, join the attached communications server and verify yourself. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [THE EUSAN NATION]: https://polytoria.com/guilds/448 [COMMUNICATIONS SERVER]: https://discord.gg/ZDxatdFzBP [RALLY GROUNDS]: https://polytoria.com/places/9844