
Join date April 27, 2019
Friends 79
Place visits 0
Profile views 53
Forum posts 33
Item sales 0
Last seen 10 days ago
Avg. Networth 453
Current Streak 0 days
Longest Streak 27 days
About TailsTheFox

Hi there! Welcome to my profile πŸ‘‹

I don't really use this website, I usually go on this website when-ever I feel like it!

I don't spend my bricks in the store as much! But who cares

I don’t really play games, since I cannot be bothered to download the client.

I’m usually active around the forums. idk why.

But eh. Who cares πŸ˜‘


United We Slither.

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TailsTheFox doesn't have any place achievements yet!