
Join date January 26, 2022
Friends 16
Place visits 9
Profile views 25
Forum posts 1
Item sales 0
Last seen 8 months ago
Avg. Networth 8,089
About Nedral

Hello! Welcome to my profile, I'm Nedral.
Ex-Staff @ Polytoria

I don't add random people as friends.

Nedral's creations

The Iron Cafe

Build for Laceon.


Polytopia You can enter the subways and most buildings. Sorry if the buildings seem empty, there is a part limit so I had to delete all of the detail inside of the donut shop and the casino.

8 0 100%

The Church Of Teapot

We worship the teapot Ranks are based on how teapot your avatar is and how devoted you are to the cause.


Welcome to mania! A guild with a bunch of different things. I like giving away bricks :-) This group is for the swaggest and most gangsterous of gangstas. Cool kids ONLY!!!!11! JOIN THE DISCORD

Nedral doesn't have any place achievements yet!