
Join date May 4, 2022
Friends 48
Place visits 0
Profile views 22
Forum posts 327
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Last seen 1 month ago
Avg. Networth 2,130
About Ellernate45



Sniping them names


Bienvenido al grupo hispano, un grupo donde puedes sociabilizar con otros hispanos y liberarse del inglés. (Para reclamar tu rango de país ve a la parte que dice rangos y selecciona tu país de origen)

Old Users

Joined Polytoria 4 years ago? Join the guild and flex your account age! Joined Polytoria yesterday? Join the guild to become apart of community! You see, to us the preservation of Polytoria is our mission! To obtain the "2018" rank, your join date must be April 14, 2019

The Church Of Teapot

We worship the teapot Ranks are based on how teapot your avatar is and how devoted you are to the cause.

Ellernate45 doesn't have any place achievements yet!