Buying limiteds for 3 bricks.
3 years ago
• By Andrewbruce957
If you want a limited, then you should get it when it's in a very low price, my first limited was the Purple Party Hat, and traded it for two Egg Hunt 2020 limited eggs, lemme explain in an easier way... Every limited has a "Was (price)" and underneath "(Price it was changed to)". It mainly is on Bricks, so getting a limited after some time can be a hard job, but getting it while it only says "(Price)" it will be your "Time To Shine Moment", you buy it and you can do what you want with it, sell it, trade it, etc. So, in conclusion you should save some studs and when an item releases and says "Limited" and "(Price)" then buy it as fast as possible, it's also a remarkable way to save many bucks!