Polytoria shouldnt make items offsale but not make it limited
Imagine 5 years later after an item is offsale and only 50 players bought it but now pt has 1m active users but they dont get to enjoy that hat because its not even limited and went offsale before they were even born
that would be unfortunate.
Ok more seriously, if you wanna make an item offsale then dont make it generic. People would need generic items for their avatars, for example I wouldnt personally make sunglasses a rare offsale because later people would definately want to wear sunglasses but now they cant. Id rather more wierd/fancy items go offsale. For example (pretty random ik) a purple kaleidoscope went offsale, no one in the future is going to be like "I want a purple kaleidoscope now I cant have it no!!!!". People may still wear it if they have it but it didnt hurt anyone that they dont have it.
Hello there, I am mog. Message me on Polytoria for any inquiries.
well if its for like a sale idc cuz its a sale but otherwise ig ye
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