rip i wanted to do a little trolling on the forums but i guess i failed
i work at
Lol I still login while being BOS and still haven't got banned
lol! deserved!
forum cool
sucks man.i know the feeling, creating your millionth alt to troll on because your main was termed for trolling and you don't last long.also tea you suck for that one post
Warning MODERATOR NOTE Your signature contains a swear word.
i told someone that they confidently jack off to pokemon on brick-hill
pre UIT
no you dont understand im ban on sight
now thats pretty good.i used to troll people on mopaiv and stuff like that.and pretty much every other site i was on before they all shut down.
you see alucard, the difference is that im actually relevant and moderators think im a lukeposter (im not)
Oh boy you are so wrong
I mean if they banned you for lukeposting then you obviously did it
all my time on brick hill i've criticized lukeposters and even today on that very alt i told a lukeposter what he's doing is wrong